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Architecture II

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Stories of Buildings

The observer should focus on the first three buildings. From left to right the buildings represent logomania/capitalism, "She's watching", and a direct union between nature and architecture. 


9 1/2" x 11"


Triangular Residential 

A home that incorporates two triangular segments. Vibrant colors were used to indicate each section of the house. Shading was applied to the house and the use of shadow for the trees because I placed a hypothetical sun point on the upper left of the sketch.


8 1/2" x 11"

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Commercial Compex.png


Commercial Complex

This grouping of four buildings was inspired by the multitude of cityscapes on the west coast such as Los Angeles and Seattle. The collective is a combination of highly geometric shapes with a hint of curvature. The sidewalk has a triangular segment to continue the geometric trend.


8 1/2" x 11"



A combination of free-hand and ruler-assisted sketching was used to create this castle. The three-point perspective gives it a grander look.


8 1/2" x 11"

Castle 3 Pt. Persepctive.png
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